

Asset Mapping and Human Rights Advocacy

Asset Mapping (Community Mapping) is involvement of community residents in the process of identifying the assets within the community and also looking for opportunities with a view of creating a vivid picture of what it is like living here in their community. Community asset mapping is a strength-based approach to community development. The goal of asset mapping is to document a community’s existing resources, incorporating these strengths into community development work.

The program also seeks to advocate for human rights especially the rights of children, victims of Gender Based Violnce, FGM and young mothers.

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Basic education is guaranteed under Article 53(b) making it free and compulsory right. In line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal number 4 (To ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all), the foundation has a vision of engaging likeminded individuals in ensuring vulnerable children attain the basic education and ample learning created. In regards to behavior change among students and more so youths, the research shows that the majority of adolescents lack the knowledge required to make those decisions responsibly, leaving them vulnerable to coercion, sexually transmitted infections and unintended pregnancy. This is contrary to United Nations Population Fund, where it states that, “every young person will one day have life-changing decisions to make about their sexual and reproductive health. Yet Community organizing and engaging in learning institutions to train on behavior change.”.

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Livelihood is a critical area that needs urgent attention especially to low income earners. Income disparities are on the rise in Kenya and a larger portion of Kenyans are disadvantaged. Livelihood interventions are anchored livelihoods interventions on the belief that livelihood is an essential right of all human beings to realizing equal opportunity.

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G-thamini Foundation strives to increase good health awareness among community members. The following interventions are employed: • Health Literacy: G-thamini Foundation uses different methods to educate the illiterate and semi-illiterate populations within the counties we serve. Greater focus is on the area of Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH), HIV/AIDS, Drugs and substance abuse and diet. The health literacy also covers creating awareness on diseases such as epilepsy, down syndrome among other diseases. • Health Intervention: Through Friendly Resource Centers created, G-thamini Foundation refers young people to SRH services such as counseling and HIV treatment. • Good Governance for Health: G-thamini Organization engages with county and national governments to legislate health policies that benefit the youth. Additionally, we work with private corporations in order to promote social investment and conscious human resource policies. 

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Research and Development

Research and Development is considered as an instrument of organizational effectiveness. In addition, Research and Development supports economic growth on a global scale in both direct and indirect ways.

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